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Our show uses a significant amount of audio. This can be as simple as ambient background music and hype music, all the way to ceremonial pieces and advertising. We tend to find it works best when your audio engineer and controls are positioned within our cabin, without impacting our space requirement.


Audio is hugely important for both audience and athletes, particularly during XCC/XCO events, with speakers covering crowd and athlete areas on the start/finish straight being essential. Please make sure there is an even spread of speakers across site, do not place a few huge line arrays and expecting the audio to permiated the site effectively as this will not work.


We require:​​

  • 2 x licensed frequency radio microphones for hosts/commentators

  • 2 x In-Ear monitors for hosts/commentators

  • ​Speakers in & around the finish bowl to be split into 4 zones.

  • Your audio provider will be required to collect our audio feed from the sports presentation cabin as an XLR stereo pair, we do not run cables to any other service.


As with all aspects of our delivery, the build phase is preceded by unloading the truck, please see here for more information on our unloading/loading requirements.

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Speaker Type & Positioning

We will be looking to discuss this individually with each LOC, but as a general rule we're looking to create an audio solution that involves a larger number of smaller speakers, as opposed to large stacks/line arrays that are uncomfortably loud for those nearby whilst being inaudible for those further away.​​​

Speaker Zoning & Control

  • We will be taking direct control of all speakers that directly effect the sport facing areas and splitting them into "Zones". To do this, we will require a consultation with your audio supplier. We will be asking for them to split the speakers in the sports areas up into a minimum of 4 zones, cabling each zone individually back to our cabin.

  • This will allow us direct control of the levels of certain groups of speakers, which we can fade individually to assist our partners in Broadcast. We can also then drive the audio more effectively to busier parts of the sport area.

  • We also request that the transmitters/recievers for the wireless microphones/IEMs are handed off to us. 

  • We will then hand off a full audio mix to your supplier to distribute to the wider site




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