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Can ADI supply additional LED products/services to my event?Absolutely! As well as having one of the largest fleets of mobile LED screens in the world, we also have a huge inventory of modular LED which can be built to meet your needs. Please get in touch with to find out more about how ADI can help you. In some cases, we will already have an excess of modular LED on our truck which we can supply at a significant discount.
You mention volunteers/local crew in your site requirements, what does this mean?To keep costs down, we deploy a small team of multi-skilled individuals who build the equipment and then run it live in show. This crew travel from one event to the next, often for weeks on end with no break. If you have any spare hands who can offer them assistance during the build phase or de-rig, it would be massively appreciated. We don't ask for anyone with specialist skills, its mostly just help packing/unpacking and moving boxes. Any assistance you can give will help the team stay on timetable and deliver the best possible show for your event!
What content can we add to EDR events?EDR can be a hard sport to present. The sheer geographical spread of the stages means athletes leaving the roll-out in the early hours and your event bowl being empty for many hours, making for quite a dull show. Whilst we do our best to keep audiences engaged, the best way to do this is with footage of the sport. We would like to suggest LOCs placing a few staff/volunteers with smartphones/cameras out on the race stages, filming the action live, talking to athletes where possible and showing off your amazing event landscape. These videos will serve two purposes: #1 - You can upload them to your own social media accounts #2 - You can drop them in a shared file where we can access them, make small edits and play them out on you big screens for audiences. In addition to this, we also offer additional production elements such as broadcasting/live streaming services. Contact to discuss.
How long does the ADI team need to build the LED Gantry?The gantry is our largest and most complex LED asset used on the WHOOP! world series. The absolute minimum build time is one full day, but that requires ideal conditions. In most cases we finish the general assembly on day one, then return on the morning of day two to complete the cabling and configuration phase. You can help us streamline this process by making sure the correct plant equipment and volunteers/crew are in place at the requested time.
Haute Savoie
21-31 August
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